John DeRosa's above comment
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2016-05-04 16:47:37 UTC
I am a bit frustrated as my poor little pooch's rear end is perpetually stinky. Even after he has the glands fully expressed professionally his rear still smells not so pleasant. My other dog, who is his blood brother from another litter, has no issues with odor whatsoever. I should mention that the one with the smelly but is just kind of a stinky boy in general. I never see him scootching or licking his anal area though. I know it's probably TMI but his butt hole is never fully closed, like his sphincter muscles aren't pulling it closed all the way like it should be. I'm assuming that is what is contributing to the stench. I can have the glands expressed, put him in the bath, wash his butt thoroughly and it STILL reeks!
2020-04-16 05:57:19 UTC
Can someone please help me. My dog has a bad smell once in a while that
comes from his butt. It comes and goes, but I would like to know if there
is some way of stopping this smell? Or what is it? We been dabbing a
little bit of tomato juice on it and it sometimes goes away. Does anyone
ever had this with there dog?
We feed him 3 times a day about 1.5 cups for Performatrim. He is a lab x,8
Someone told me that the smell means he needs to poop, and he goes poop and
still stinks.
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