puppies for sale
(too old to reply)
The Puppy Wizard
2004-04-19 08:29:41 UTC
HOWEDY Tattoo,
The responses to a single email I sent regarding
puppies for sale...
email #1
That was Master Of Deception blankman, a particularly
trHOWEbling dHOWEbletalkin lying dog abusing Punk
Thug Coward, notoriHOWES dog abuser and mental
your opinion is well noted
Her posting history will asstHOWEnd you.
and I thank you for your imput,
Master Of Deception blankman is a MENTAL CASE.
email #2
That was matty. He's a notoriHOWES liar and dog abuser
and mental case.
(apparently after rereading my original email and
getting mad)
Well, matty likes to throw rightHOWES hissy fits.
one question where is your location
matty is uppa US.
and what state are you in. for my own
personally information if you care to reveal
it and your organization if any.
matty is a simpleton.
if you are a breeder your breed and years of expieerence

How anyone could simply see them as investments
is quite disturbing to me. I have been reading from this
newsgroup for a good while now and this bothered me
too much to just read on past. Sorry if I ramble.
Sorry to have put you through the inquisition, but
you shoulda known better than to try talkin business

The Amazing Puppy Wizard. <{} ; ~ ) >
The Puppy Wizard
2004-04-20 00:13:19 UTC
HOWEDY Master Of Deception blankman,
On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 23:22:07 -0500 West Texas German Shepherds
german shepherd puppies imported lines.4 males
2 females ready june 3 2004 working lines from v
and va rated progeny.Belgium german lines
750.00 plus shipping and crate.
Wow, you have no confidence at all in the future
health of your puppies.
You mean cause she's givin a WON year health guarantee?
"If this dog develops crippling hip dysplasia at
anytime from purchase to one year of age
(confirmed by ex-rays from a competent licenced
veterinarian).The dog must be returned to us at
the expense of the buyer."
That's standard for the industry.
A one year "guarantee"?
Yeah. You got any COMPLAINTS?
I know of pet shops that can do better than that.
You mean the pet shops you warn people against buyin from?
You want the dog returned?
Probably not.
So you are really making sure that no
one who actually cares about their dog
will ask the "guarantee" to be enforced.
If the first puppy ends up crippled so young why
on earth would anyone want *another* puppy?
Perhaps she's got a other litter?
A responsible breeder of German Shepherd
Dogs will provide a lot more than that.
A RESPONSIBLE breeder wouldn't NEED MOORE than that.
First, at barest minimum the warranty would be for 24 months.
Sez you?
But most good breeders give it for much longer,
many for the lifetime of the dog.
You're blowin smoke up HOWER arses again.
Second, all good breeders warranty on the diagnosis
of hip dysplasia, not whether the dog is actually crippled
by it.
Perhaps that's on accHOWENT of they EXXXPECT problems?
Third, good breeders do not require return of the dog.
That's a load of crap.
They will require (if they have not already done so)
that the dog be spayed or neutered.
Sez you, talkin for all ETHICKAL breeders.
"No futher guarantees are made or implied"
Well, the warranty regarding hip dysplasia
will speak to people who haven't done their
homework regarding genetic health issues,
but to the educated buyer it shouts that here
is a breeder who doesn't care about breeding
for genetic health.
Perhaps it SEZ the pups are GUARANTEED against
CRIPPLING dysplasia?
Because the educated buyer
You mean, DOG LOVERS like yourself?
knows that there are other important health
issues in the breed. And responsible breeders
know this as well and will warranty against the
conditions to the extent they are able.
You mean, instead of just a BLANKET HEALTH
And they will clarify the steps they have taken
to reduce the risks, because that's all any breeder
can do.
You mean, other than breed HEALTHY DOGS?
At $750 these puppies are way overpriced.
Perhaps she should throw in a nice shock system
like you use and recommend?
There is nothing on the website to suggest the
sire or dam have been tested for, or shown by any
objective standards to have the kinds of qualities
one expects from a well bred GSD.
Sez you, a proven dog abuser liar and mental case.
A little bite work, a bit of obedience, none of it being
proved up by showing any actual accomplishments
in those areas.
Oh? You mean like your dogs?
And the empahsis on the puppies being "big"
is pathetic. The GSD is not supposed
to be a "big" dog. Bigger is not better.
Sez you?
I'm amused and saddened by the addition of "AKC"
to the sire and dam names as if AKC were some kind
of title, or some indication of quality.
Yeah. Too bad akc allHOWES dog abusers to show their dogs.
Any educated puppy buyer knows that "AKC"
is nothing more than a birth certificate. AKC
can and will register crippled dogs as easily
as they will healthy ones, and the same for
good and poor breeding.
Yeah. But they don't gotta allHOWE shock collar
trained dogs to compete in their trials, but they do
cause it means MONEY.
AKC is a pedigree registry, not a guarantor of health,
fitness, temperament, nor even consistency with breed
quality and standards.
And you're a blowhard liar dog abuser and mental case.
And no wonder the breeder has so little confidence
in the health of his puppies. The poor dam isn't
even fully mature and she's already had a litter.
No responsible breeder would breed a GSD at
less than 2 years of age.
That so?
And this one won't even be a one year old until Sunday.
Am I angry?
No, you're MENTAL.
You bet I am.
Well, you MIGHT be angry to boot. But you're
a pathetic dog abusing lying mental case.
I'm sick and tired of dogs dying because of
people who can't be bothered to learn.
That so? You mean like your pal kwbrown's DEAD DOG
Teena? Or do you mean like Rober Crim's DEAD DOG
Frits? Or do you mean like Misty's DEAD DOG Peaches?
I just wish people would actually get involved in
rescuing their breed BEFORE they add more to
the population.
You're full of crap.
Save some, learn how to stop the killing before
putting more puppies in that situation.
Well it's YOU and your pals who MURDER dogs.
There are far more GSDs in shelters than GSD
rescue can hope to save.

lyinglynn writes to a new foster care giver: For barking in
the crate - leave the leash on and pass it through the crate
door. Attach a line to it. When he barks, use the line for
a correction.

- if necessary, go to a citronella bark collar.

Lynn K.
has thought long and hard about it
"I used to work the Kill Room as a volunteer in one
shelter.) But their ability to set their own schedules and
duties causes a great deal of scheduling overhead.
And it takes effort and thought to ensure that volunteers
get the meaningful experience that they work for.
Someone has to be responsible for that Volunteer Program,
and it is best done by a non-volunteer."
Lynn K. ---------------------------------
"I worked with one shelter where I bathed and groomed
every adoptable dog on intake. I frankly felt that the
effort/benefit equation was not balanced for some of the
older/ill poodle/terrier mixes we got in badly matted condition.
Should I have refused to groom them?
Or even more pertinent - I was one of the people who
had to make the euthanasia decisions at that shelter."
Lynn K.
Is that a MENTAL CASE or NOT?
Lynn, looks like he got you there if these quotes are true.
In the posts below you take responsibility for making those
In your post above, you state you do not make
those calls. Which one is it?
Nope, Bob. Mikey isn't a stupid man and he
1. A non-shelter rescue group that occasionally
has to put a dog down for health or temperament
reasons. (Yep, I'm involved with that.)
2. A trainer hired to evaluate a dog who might
determine the dog is potentially dangerous.
(Yes, again, I've been in that position.)
3. Public pounds that routinely kill stray and
abandoned animals. (Nope, I only pull animals
from those pounds into the private rescue programs.)
Lynn, looks like he got you there if these quotes are true.
Nope. The error that you (and Mikey) are making is that
evaluating a dog is not the same as putting it on the kill
list. There are lots of factors that go into that decision
that have nothing to do with evaluations at all. Unfortunately
your assumption is probably common among people who
are not at all familiar with the way that shelters and rescues
Mikey is, of course, welcome to volunteer to evaluate dogs
at his local shelter. Whether they respect him enough to
take his opinions into consideration one whit is, of course,
up to him.
Well, I stand corrected. Thanks.

I'll be you've never had to put down litters of beautiful
labrador puppies? If you had did, maybe you'd be singing
a different tune?

"Actually, have held them for the tech to euth, and put their
bodies in the trash bag and in the freezer for the trash
company to come and dispose of.

No different tune," ~Emily

"I'll bet you don't know a thing about me. I volunteered as
assistant to the euthanasia tech at our local shelter for a
while, and I know a bit about overpopulation and unwanted

This however has nothing at all to do with responsible
breeders, because responsible breeders don't contribute to
that problem," Mustang Sally.

from our own Lynn Kosmakos
1200mg Of Lithium And 50 mg Of Zoloft Every Day
For Twenty Years


"I, too, have a bi-polar mood disorder (manic-depression)
requiring 1200mg of lithium and 50 mg of Zoloft every day.
I, also, care about dogs and use this forum to learn more,
while happily sharing pertinent information I have learned.

But if I were ever to post such sh*t, I would hope that every
other reader of this group would be rightfully outraged."

"Community is an evolutionary thing that we earn
the right to participate in by observing the easily
understood rules and contributing to in constructive ways."

Lynn K.

There is absolutely no reason to breed dogs
with so little thought and caring, and even less
reason for anyone to encourage that kind of
breeding by buying such a carelessly bred puppy.
Yeah. Perhaps they'll need to learn HOWE to
introduce them to kats?
Anyone who doesn't mind breedings with so
little behind it can easily get that same kind of
puppy from rescue, with just a tad of patience.
If your pal lying "I LOVE KOEHLER" lynn hasn't
MURDERED it first.
Diane Blackman
"You Lying Sack Of Dung.When Have I Ever Said
Anything About Using A Prong Collar, Or Any Collar
Correction At All, To Make Dogs Friendly To House
Cats. Don't bother. The answer is never."

lying "I LOVE KOEHLER" lynn writes about kats and dogs:

"This Article Is Something We've Put Together
For SF GSD Rescue

From: Lynn Kosmakos (***@home.com)
Subject: Re: I have a dog he has cats
Date: 1999/11/20
How can I get him to quit chasing the cats.
Okay - this is going to be a bit loooong - Lynn K.

"Put a prong collar with a six-foot leash on the dog. Don't
forget to put the muzzle on the dog. I think a prong works
better than a choke with less chance of injury to the dog in
this situation.

Electronics can be used to create an aversion to cats, but
should be used under the direction of a trainer who knows how
to instruct the owner in their proper use. Electronics can
take the form of shock, sonic or citronella collars. At that
time the owner will train with electronics instead of food or
whatever other reward system was being used."

8) Put a prong collar with a six-foot leash on the dog.
Don't forget to put the muzzle on the dog. I think a prong
works better than a choke with less chance of injury to the
dog in this situation. Have the dog in a sit-stay next to
you with most of the slack out of the leash and let the cat
walk through the room and up to the dog if it wishes (this is
why you have the dog muzzled). If the dog makes an
aggressive move towards the cat, it must be corrected strongly
with both your voice and the collar. This is important - the
correction must be physically very strong - not a nag. (PS:
not many dogs need to be corrected at all).
The Puppy Wizard
2004-04-20 23:49:04 UTC
german shepherd puppies imported lines.4
males 2 females ready june 3 2004 working
lines from v and va rated progeny.
Actually, those pedigrees are of high-lines (show),
not working lines.
Plenty of good dogs behind this breeding,
You searched the Whole Wild World for him.
but why in the world did you breed 2 unproven dogs,
without breed surveys, that can't be SV registered or
compete in USA Schutzhund?
It's a little disingenuous for your contract to state
that you don't guarantee the pups' show or working
without disclosing that they aren't eligible to
participate in the venues appropriate for their
participate in all of the akc events but CANNOT
BE FORCED to WORK if you can't shock and
jerk and choke him on your pronged spiked pinch
choke collar like you do to make IT get high scores
in the ring.
I have to agree with Diane
Master Of Deception blankman has the same
problem for sheep hurtin as you do. You can't
HURT your dogs in the field like HOWE you
do in the ring where you practice every day
to force your dog to get high scores in the ring
cause you don't own sheep fields.
that these pups are over-priced because of
the unproven sire and dam, regardless of their
That so? SHOWENDS like you're jealHOWES.
But I'm most interested in your assertion that you
can guarantee than none of the pups will ever end
up in rescue. How can you guarantee that?
Perhaps she's prepared to take them back if necessary.
You'd LIKE your ETHICKAL breeder to take your SELECTIVELY
cause IT won't dog a SAR.
Our GSD rescue has had Tyson-Witmer, Covy-Tucker
Hills, etc. dogs - even ScH. 3 dogs and, yes, dogs that
Bil Fleisher has imported or bred.
Well, that's kindly of you to inform them their pups
ended up where they'll likely be abused and then
murdered by a lying dog abusing MENTAL CASE:

lyinglynn writes to a new foster care giver:
For barking in the crate - leave the leash on and
pass it through the crate door. Attach a line to it.
When he barks, use the line for a correction.

- if necessary, go to a citronella bark collar.

Lynn K.

That's INSANE. Ain't it. So's this. Here's your
PARTNER in GSD rescue:

"Many People Have Problems Getting The Pinch
Right, Either They Do Not Pinch Enough, Or They
Have A Very Stoic Dog. Some Dogs Will Collapse
Into A Heap. About The Ear Pinch: You Must Keep
The Pressure Up," sindy "don't let the dog SCREAM"
mooreon, author of HOWER FAQ's pages on k9 web.
What are you doing to make such a guarantee that
those people didn't do?
You mean those EHTICKAL breeders, members
of your own ETHICKAL clubs?
(fwiw, Diane has 2 rescued & neutered males.
FWIW Master Of Deception blankman is a liar
and dog abuser and mental case who jerks
and chokes her dogs on pronged spiked pinch
choke collars and sprays aversives in their faces
and shocks and locks them in boxes like you do.
I think it's a pretty safe bet that no puppy of hers
will end up in rescue.)
Right. Cause she doesn't have any but if she
did you'd MURDER them as necessary, for her:

"I used to work the Kill Room as a volunteer in
one shelter.) But their ability to set their own
schedules and duties causes a great deal of
scheduling overhead. And it takes effort and
thought to ensure that volunteers get the
meaningful experience that they work for.

Someone has to be responsible for that
Volunteer Program, and it is best done
by a non-volunteer." Lynn K.
Lynn, looks like he got you there if these quotes
are true. In the posts below you take responsibility
for making those calls.
In your post above, you state you do not make
those calls.
Which one is it?
Nope, Bob. Mikey isn't a stupid man and he
1. A non-shelter rescue group that occasionally
has to put a dog down for health or temperament
reasons. (Yep, I'm involved with that.)
2. A trainer hired to evaluate a dog who might
determine the dog is potentially dangerous.
(Yes, again, I've been in that position.)
3. Public pounds that routinely kill stray and
abandoned animals. (Nope, I only pull animals
from those pounds into the private rescue programs.)
"You Lying Sack Of Dung.When Have I Ever Said
Anything About Using A Prong Collar, Or Any Collar
Correction At All, To Make Dogs Friendly To House
Cats. Don't bother. The answer is never," lying "I

lying "I LOVE KOEHLER" lynn writes about kats and dogs:

"This Article Is Something We've Put Together
For SF GSD Rescue

From: Lynn Kosmakos (***@home.com)
Subject: Re: I have a dog he has cats
Date: 1999/11/20
How can I get him to quit chasing the cats.
Okay - this is going to be a bit loooong - Lynn K.

"Put a prong collar with a six-foot leash on the dog. Don't
forget to put the muzzle on the dog. I think a prong works
better than a choke with less chance of injury to the dog in
this situation.

Electronics can be used to create an aversion to cats, but
should be used under the direction of a trainer who knows how
to instruct the owner in their proper use. Electronics can
take the form of shock, sonic or citronella collars. At that
time the owner will train with electronics instead of food or
whatever other reward system was being used."

8) Put a prong collar with a six-foot leash on the dog.
Don't forget to put the muzzle on the dog. I think a prong
works better than a choke with less chance of injury to the
dog in this situation. Have the dog in a sit-stay next to
you with most of the slack out of the leash and let the cat
walk through the room and up to the dog if it wishes (this is
why you have the dog muzzled). If the dog makes an
aggressive move towards the cat, it must be corrected strongly
with both your voice and the collar. This is important - the
correction must be physically very strong - not a nag. (PS:
not many dogs need to be corrected at all).


Oh, bye the bye, you can't post here abHOWETS
noMOORE. Unless of curse, you're gonna talk to
us abHOWET trainin SAR dogs.

Lynn K.
The Puppy Wizard
2004-04-20 23:54:23 UTC
"I worked with one shelter where I bathed and groomed
every adoptable dog on intake. I frankly felt that the
effort/benefit equation was not balanced for some of the
older/ill poodle/terrier mixes we got in badly matted condition.
Should I have refused to groom them?
Or even more pertinent - I was one of the people who
had to make the euthanasia decisions at that shelter."
Lynn K.
Lynn, looks like he got you there if these quotes are true.
In the posts below you take responsibility for making those
In your post above, you state you do not make those calls.
Which one is it?
Nope, Bob. Mikey isn't a stupid man and he
1. A non-shelter rescue group that occasionally
has to put a dog down for health or temperament
reasons. (Yep, I'm involved with that.)
2. A trainer hired to evaluate a dog who might
determine the dog is potentially dangerous.
(Yes, again, I've been in that position.)
3. Public pounds that routinely kill stray and
abandoned animals. (Nope, I only pull animals
from those pounds into the private rescue programs.)
Seems the only thing you've ever written that

from our own Lynn Kosmakos
1200mg of lithium and 50 mg of Zoloft every day
For Twenty Years


"I, too, have a bi-polar mood disorder (manic-depression)
requiring 1200mg of lithium and 50 mg of Zoloft every day.
I, also, care about dogs and use this forum to learn more,
while happily sharing pertinent information I have learned.

But if I were ever to post such sh*t, I would hope that every
other reader of this group would be rightfully outraged."

"Community is an evolutionary thing that we earn
the right to participate in by observing the easily
understood rules and contributing to in constructive ways."

Lynn K.


"Many People Have Problems Getting The Pinch
Right, Either They Do Not Pinch Enough, Or They
Have A Very Stoic Dog. Some Dogs Will Collapse
Into A Heap. About The Ear Pinch: You Must Keep
The Pressure Up," sindy "don't let the dog SCREAM"
mooreon, author of HOWER FAQ's pages on k9 web.


I'll be you've never had to put down litters of
beautiful labrador puppies? If you had did, maybe
you'd be singing a different tune?

"Actually, have held them for the tech to euth, and
put their bodies in the trash bag and in the freezer
for the trash company to come and dispose of.

No different tune," ~Emily

"I'll bet you don't know a thing about me. I volunteered
as assistant to the euthanasia tech at our local shelter
for a while, and I know a bit about overpopulation and
unwanted animals.

This however has nothing at all to do with responsible
breeders, because responsible breeders don't contribute
to that problem," Mustang Sally.

Are those MENTAL CASES, or NOT?

Better report to Soup and update your MENTAL ILLNESS
status. The Puppy Wizard wouldn't wanna push you over
the goddamned edge and see you HURT YOURSELF

Mental illness is a public issue in these newsgroups.
People are always running around calling other people
mentally ill and diagnosing their illnesses. I think it's only
fair that we have an accurate list of who is and who isn't
mentally ill, so that we can avoid any misunderstandings
and promote group harmony.

of the liars and dog abuser who've been tellin you
to HURT your dog:

from our own Lynn Kosmakos
1200mg Of Lithium And 50 mg Of Zoloft Every Day
For Twenty Years


"I, too, have a bi-polar mood disorder (manic-depression)
requiring 1200mg of lithium and 50 mg of Zoloft every day.
I, also, care about dogs and use this forum to learn more,
while happily sharing pertinent information I have learned.

But if I were ever to post such sh*t, I would hope that every
other reader of this group would be rightfully outraged."

"Community is an evolutionary thing that we earn
the right to participate in by observing the easily
understood rules and contributing to in constructive ways."

Lynn K.


LYNN K. and LOIS E, and a BiLateral, BiPolar conversation on
Mental problems. LYNN AND LOIS Almost 50 years on mental
illness medications combined

But I think what Lois was referring to was the fact that
Darlene actually stated at some point that she was
bipolar--and, IIRC, that meds did not work for her--so she
was prone to major-league ups and downs and sudden
"It wasn't that meds didn't work for her - she wouldn't take
them. I particularly remember a comment she made about
scarey side effects of Lithium. Hardly. After 17 years on
it, I think I'm qualified to say that the very low risk of
any side effect is far less frightening than the very real
dangers of life without it."

Lynn K.


From: Lynn Kosmakos (***@home.com) Subject: Re: Where is
Darlene? Date: 1999/09/03
I know I am totally off topic here, but have you read
"The Unquiet Mind"?
Yeah. It's interesting, but kind of watered down for the
mass market, if you know what I mean. There's really quite
a lot of good work out there and decent research. Thank

Lynn K.


"What's really terrific, is now days you can say proudly, 'I
take anti-depressives'"


From: Gary & lois Edwards (***@bmi.net) Subject: Re: Where
is Darlene? Date: 1999/09/02


"I don't take lithium, but I've been on trycyclics for about
22 years. Been there, done that, have the t-shirt to prove
it. What's really terrific, is now days you can say proudly,

"I take anti-depressives". Back when I started taking them
it was seen as something shameful. If you cut your leg off,
and were lying there with a bleeding stump, you'd never let
the word depressed, pass your lips, or the doc's would say,
"You're depressed, on medication? Well, can't have any pain
meds.....you could become addicted."

The good old days. I actually had a Great Aunt who's father
locked her in her room back in the twenties because she was
simple. A shame that medication probably would have helped
her live a normal life.

No Denna, I was just saying with Darlene's personality,
she has a way of making grandiose plans when at the top of
her manic cycle....as does my daughter. I wasn't saying that
anyone with problems could be counted on to be

Lois E.

MENTAL ILLNESS IN RPD* Mental illness is a public issue in
these newsgroups. People are always running around calling
other people mentally ill and diagnosing their illnesses.

I think it's only fair that we have an accurate list of who is
and who isn't mentally ill, so that we can avoid any
misunderstandings and promote group harmony.

Updated KUCKOO!! KUCKOOO! DING! DING! DING! list as of

list of confirmed or suspected mentally ill (crazy) Regulars
Most of whom are women or homosexuals


NESSA NUTCASE MVP (Most Valuable Psycho) of dog newsgroups

Successfully dethroned MaryBeth as MVP

Nessa blames all the problems in her life moston ADD ADHD Or
some other empowering acronym which encapsulates her futility
for her

Her dog bagel, a large newf mix has used her house liberally
as a toilet since February of 2002. Drives a 2003 Toyota
Matrix, owns a house in suburban MD, recently got a
raise/promotion to US goverment grade 11 (circa $50,000) and
promptly decided she couldn't afford her two dogs. With help
from non crazy regular (Paulette) and witchcraft practicing
regular Sara Sionnach, Nessa has decided to keep her dogs for
the time being. She is undergoing training from Janet "Nice
Abdominal Surgery and getting Run Over for the Family Pet."
Her results have not been dramatic.

CrAzy ReGulAr helping CraZy ReGular Leah helping Nessa


On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 8:40:08 -0400, Leah wrote

Nessa ***@nessa.info wrote:
"As far as the depression goes, it's not related to Bagel
at all. I have chronic major depression and I'm just having
a flare."

Leah asks "Are you on any medication?"

Nessa responds

yes for depression, mood swings and ADHD. I have been for
over 10 years.


Nessa is Fat as well as crazy =============================
"For what it's worth...

I picked up 30 pounds when I started Dilantin. I picked up
(just recently) another 20 on risperidol.

I hate that I was a size 8-10 before meds and now I am
solidly (pun intended) a 22-24.

Sad part is, the side effects are worth it. The positive
effects are too much to part with."


NESSA'S HAS A GREAT NEUROPSYCH ==============================

Hi, I have a great neuropsych in Arlington Va. He is at the
Rosyln Metro Station. His name is Martin Stein 1911 N Fort
Myer Dr. Suite 907 Arlington Va 22209 703-807-2471 email

Marty is wonderful. He is really the best. He has also
given me permission to post his infomation on this
Newsgroup. If you call him and see him by all means tell
him Nessa sent you.


ROTATE YOUR STIMULANTS =============================

from: Nessa (***@ix.netcom.com)


I often have to rotate my stimulants. You can become used to
them and sometimes need a different one for a while. Until
I got on my Desoxyn I rotated Ritilan and Dexedrine every 3
months or so.

It is true that anti-depressants or anti-anxiety pills will
help with the stimulants so your DR is not wrong. However,
perhaps she needs to check into the idea that a switch from
cylert to something else might be in order.

warm thoughts, Nessa


Lois E. (of Gary and Lois fame)

Lois' has been on tricyclic antidepressants for approximately
25 years. This may be a record. Husband is a cop but there is
no evidence that he beats the crap out of her, or that he has
for 25 years.

Had a traumatic experience as a child with a horse running
wild in the Pantry and living room. In recent years, shot
neighbor's dog from point blank range while it was chewing on
her pigmy goat, teaching son to solve problems with the
neighbor's using shock and awe levels of violence."


"I don't take lithium, but I've been on trycyclics for about
22 years. Been there, done that, have the t-shirt to prove
it. What's really terrific, is now days you can say proudly,
"I take anti-depressives". Back when I started taking them
it was seen as something shameful. If you cut your leg off,
and were lying there with a bleeding stump, you'd never let
the word depressed, pass your lips, or the doc's would say,
"You're depressed, on medication? Well, can't have any pain
meds.....you could become addicted." The good old days. I
actually had a Great Aunt who's father locked her in her
room back in the twenties because she was simple. A shame
that medication probably would have helped her live a normal
life. No Denna, I was just saying with Darlene's
personality, she has a way of making grandiose plans when at
the top of her manic cycle....as does my daughter. I wasn't
saying that anyone with problems could be counted on to be

Lois E.


Kelly/ culprit

Systems engineer at Microsoft, owner of two pitbulls,
proving that Bill Gates does not discriminate against crazy
people or pit bull owners.

psychotic features, panic and more. Coming forward so that
others like her will have the strength to do the same. Like
Charlie Wilkes, she is one of our most entertraining

Here, kelly/culprit talks to Mustang Sally about her mental
illness/crazy problems. Sally is being rude and
condescending (as usual) and trying to make kelly/culprit
feel bad for being crazy, aka wacked in the head

culprit standing up for herself against rude and condescending
Mustang Sally -----------------------------------------------


"but i stand by the fact that OCD is an illness, major
depression with psychotic features certainly is, panic
disorder is too. and the other stuff just makes it all the
more fun.

i don't wallow in it. i'm just now learning to accept it,
because ignoring it wasn't working out too well. i need to
do that to make changes to my life so that i can become
healthy. and you say you're not trying to be condescending,
but you're doing it again. what i read was, (my
paraphrasing) "people who think they're mentally ill are
wallowing in their disabilities and letting them consume
their life"

you come across as though you would be able to handle any of
these illnesses, and anyone who can't is just copping out.
well we're all different. and i don't accept your idea that
i would have a more productive life if i denied my problems.
i tried it for years, and believe me, it didn't work very

-kelly aka culprit systems engineer @ Microsoft


MaryBeth FMVP (former most valuable psycho)

(super psycho bitch lunatic queen of the mentally fucked in
the head)

Has contributed greatly to the annual profit results at
several large pharmaceutical corps has taken virtually every
mentally ill (crazy) drug treatment in the book, and then
some: prozac, zoloft, amitryptiline, Buspar, Xanax, effexor,
paxil, HRT, wellbutrin, tranquilizers, clomid,

MaryBeth has suffered from or been:


suicidal, agoraphobic, tidal waves of PMS, mood swings,
turned into a hermit, bloated, just real angry, hubby afraid
of her, high blood pressure, divorced, "raving bitch"
"zoloft zombie" for four years, "living through layers and
layers of gauze," chain smoker, buzzing, weight gain,
fatigue, terrible dry mouth, dull headaches, fuzzy brain,
lack of concentration..etc. severe depression, severe
insomnia, Panic ALL the time, crying, not sleeping, you name

MaryBeth (on being seriously f'd in the head aka mentally ill)
aka cuckoo! kuckoo! ding! ding! ding! aka a superpsychotic
bitch from hell


"I know for a fact I went thru years of being overly
sensitive, being a b*tch, being self centered, being self
pitying, you name it, I was a wreck and I ran over everyone
in my path."

"<G> I do know the power of meds, especially on a long term
basis, and it's not pretty. You become another person, if
it's not the correct med for you.

--All the best,


"Yup Diane, I am taking Zoloft, and my Rheumatologist told
me that taking Ultram with it can cause seizures."

"I have all the symptoms.I am suicidal at times (cyclical)
have severe insomnia, 'crawly' skin etc. I have an appt to
see my doc next Friday to test for menopause."



"I noticed that antidepressants cut libido into the dead
zone and I had no real emotions, like not laughing at funny
stuff, couldn't cry either.....except about my suicidal
thoughts (but at the time I thought there was no other way



"Hi, new to group, just starting Clomid today. I talked with
RE and pharmacist re: zoloft (50 mg daily) and ineraction
with Clomid. They reported none. Not sure about the prozac
tho. Gonna poat a new message to intorduce myself :)"

--MaryBeth <still feeling
like herself> <G>


"I wasted about 10 years of my life, and lost many many
treasured ppl and things. Please don't do the same.



"Slowly but surely my depression got worse and worse. They
put me on meds for it, and all along kept telling me to wait
on the TKR, as 'it really wasn't that bad.....yet". HA!" The
depression got so bad, and lots of other things happened and
my ex and I would up divorced four years after our move. It
was horrible. The hardest thing I have eve gone thru"



Theresa Willis

(paxil, depression, robot displacement) Theresa is a gang
banger who comes out of cutesy robot mode when it's time to
gang attack people with her pal shelly Victim is usually
Leah, but may be a random person.


shelly couvrette

Severe OCD, depression, prescribed Paxil for mental illness,
but claims she does not take it, resulting in an obsessive
basket case online persona. Posts more than any other female
in all dog newsgroups

(familial mental illness, possibly related to family bed)
obsessively starves her dogs according to friends, family,
strangers and 3 different vets, but not herself (see
below). Still thinks of herself as a five year old
ballerina despite the fact that she is a fat adult in her
mid thirties.



lynn kosmakos

RPD* Enemy of Dogs #1

(Lithium, Zoloft, bipolar, manic, depression) will "put down a
biter as fast as anyone" yet claims to be a saintly dog
rescuer. Murders dogs because of insurance rates Her brother
was attacked by a Golden Retriever when she was young. For
this reason, she murders easily trainable dogs. Condemns dogs
to death who are easily trainable with her "evaluations." Is
nice to people in person, but her true dog hating nature comes
out on newsgroups with extreme clarity.

Advocates shooting dogs on sight, when they chase deer. Sees
no other option. Her own dog Java had to be shocked with a
shock collar to keep him from chasing deer.

has been on lithium for approximately 20 years. Zoloft for an
undetermined number of years

1200mg LITHIUM 50mg ZOLOFT

"I, too, have a bi-polar mood disorder
(manic-depression) requiring 1200mg of lithium and 50 mg of
Zoloft every day. I, also, care about dogs and use this
forum to learn more, while happily sharing pertinent
information I have learned. But if I were ever to post
such sh*t, I would hope that every other reader of this
group would be rightfully outraged."


"Community is an evolutionary thing that we earn
the right to participate in by observing the easily
understood rules and contributing to in constructive ways."

Lynn K.


"I particularly remember
a comment she made about scarey side effects of Lithium.
Hardly. After 17 years on it, I think I'm qualified to say
that the very low risk of any side effect is far less
frightening than the very real dangers of life without it."

Lynn K.

From: Chris Kosmakos (***@netcom.com) Subject: Re: Prozac
- Good medication or no?


"Yes, for very specific behaviorial problems. I would have
to trust my vet and behaviorist a lot, and be very sure
that I had exhausted every other option before I used
Prozac to deal with a dog problem - and I take a similar
drug, Zoloft, myself."

Lynn K.



Effexor for chronic depression, in denial about being
mentally ill. Has taken several other mentally ill
medications before settling on effexor for her chronic
mental problems. Leah is improving as a dog trainer and
wants to open her own training/boarding kennel soon and
write a book.

This drives her fellow mentally ill regulars nuts (read
shelly Lynn K.), especially if Leah succeeds while other
loonies continue to sit on their fat behinds

Leah is a relatively stable crazy person but she just might
be the agent that drives others to jump off of a cliff


Tara Green

Tara Green is a dog trainer of sorts in New York City left
rpd* claiming that she could not afford internet access and/or
a computer, but her story is of value nonetheless

was on antidepressants for a few years prior to her
marriage. During her marriage, she learned a lot: "With the
therapist I saw during my marriage I learned that some
situational depressions are masked as chemical simply
because of our too human ability to prolong the impact of
the causal situations indefinitely"

Sounds like more denial, see leah

Tara is also a drunk who has also had problems with other

TARA on being a drunk/substance abuser:

"Tara (who had some problems with quite a
few substances as well, but who thinks they are separate
issues.....so which camp does that put me in???)"

"Believe it or not, some people don't have
a problem with drugs even though they are alcoholics. I'm
not one of those people, but they do exist."

aka, tara has problems with both


Kevin Michael Vail

various mental illness drugs, started with zoloft, didn't
like that, then went to antidepressant, stopped after
sufficent side effects, now on SSRI and in therapy Kevin is
a homosexual but there is no evidence that this is the cause
of him being crazy



(SSRI, cognitive therapy)
otherwise, a fairly boring and nondescript crazy person


Chris Jung

(Prozac and Welbutrin,
cognitive therapy)

another very boring nutcase


Charlie Wilkes

drugged out, crazy, fucked up all his life, Christ the shit
he's been through including psych wards and electroshock
treatments but now pulling down major cash as a business
consultant. Triumphing over adversity, with a damn good life
and a well trained dog (very much unlike Leah) One of our
most lucid regulars, despite (or maybe because of?) a
penchant for phat philly blunts.


Karen DuChateaux aka Karibear

suffered from clinical depression for years until some drug
or something brought her out of it. Some of her best friends
"are certifiable" and have various degrees of psychoses.
Familial mental disability. Refuses to say whether or not
she is currently using drug or cognitive therapy for mental


Mike "DumbOxDumb" Dufort

threatened non violent dog expert Jerry Howe with Mike's
fully armed US Army Platoon. Threatened to bring his platoon
to Jerry's HOWSE. also OCD (obsessed with Jerry's posts)


Jim "Brain Shivers" Sabatke

Jim is currently on Effexor which he takes because of his
depression/mental problems. Like many of our mental cases,
Jim has had trouble finding the right med(s) to keep him
from going kuckoo!! kuckoooo!!! or getting the "brain

From: Jim Sabatke (***@execpc.com) Subject: Re:
anyone using Effexor? alt.support.depression.medication
Date: 2002-11-29 20:25:16 PST

EFFEXOR "I'm on 375 mg/day and it has worked wonders for
me. The only down side is that my blood pressure has
elevated somewhat; oh and if I miss a dose by a couple of
hours the "brain shivers" can be really bad.

Good luck!


"I switched from Paxil to Effexor about 5 months ago. I
tapered off of the Paxil and tapered onto the Effexor at
the same time."


"After several years on Effexor IR, my pdoc tried switching
me to XR. I experienced fairly severe Effexor withdrawel
until I went back to the IR."



(please proudly add your name and the drugs/disorders specific
to you, if you are also mentally ill). If we all come forward,
we can help each other with our problems. Remember, mental
illness is nothing to be ashamed of. It's not your fault if
you have a defective brain which may cause you to act like an
extreme hypocrite and/or idiot and/or robot without your being
aware of it).

Also, please notify us if you are *not* mentally ill, and have
been added to this by mistake, so we can make our corrections
and remove you from the crazy person list.


mental health weekly

-- This has been a production of dogtv.com networks your world
leader in dog entertraining

this is michael reporting live... from dogtv.com networks

A SPECIAL BONUS ON shelly the librarian at Indiana U.



"when i got harriet she was emaciated, so
i asked my vet for advice on slowly adding weight to her.
six months later i took harriet in for her spring check-up
and my vet was surprised that at how thin she still was."
--shelly couvrette


"<raises hand> i've been told by three different vets that
harriet (53lbs) is *way* too skinny. we're still
vet-shopping, BTW."

--shelly couvrette


"if you really can't resist it when your dog pulls
the "i'm starving!" routine <G>, you can give him some
frozen green beans or a small amount of plain pureed
pumpkin. i would also suggest putting the food out of his
sight. i keep my food--still inside the bags, which are
tightly rolled down--inside trash cans in the closed
laundry room. that keeps it fresh and keeps it out of my
dogs' sight."

--shelly couvrette


"heh. i get the opposite response. people think
that poor little harriet is positively starved to death.
i've actually had people stop me in the pet supply shop and
tell me that i need to fatten her up!"

--shelly couvrette


"i think that may be part of the problem. who
wants to go to a vet who tells you you're hurting your
.widdle precious? i think the other part is that some vets
really don't *realize* that what they consider proper
weight is fat. after having been told by a couple of vets
that my dogs are too thin, i've got a dim view of vets on
that topic."

--shelly couvrette

--shelly's mom


"my mom is kinda that way, but not *as* bad.
she thinks that harriet is awfully skinny, so feeding her
table snax is okay. she tells me that just a bite won't

--shelly couvrette


STARVING HERSELF shelly's fat face
Loading Image...

There are a lot of big fat women on these groups who starve
their dogs out of vanity, but shelly is a special case.

shelly is moor.e than a little bit beyond the pale

Shelly has OCD, and maybe she's just a little obsessive about
measuring out extra tiny and discrete portions with a tiny
measuring cup, or counting out pieces of green bean or pumpkin
that she gives her dogs when they give her the "I'm Starving"
routine. When grandma tried to give Hattie a snack, shelly
probably went apeshit, because it was in violation of her
Obsessive need to oversee every tiny calorie that goes into
her widdle precious' mouth.

shelly's a special case, a special kind of dog abuser

--- --------------

this marks the end of the rec.pets.dogs.* crazy person list

copyright 2003 dogtv.com networks you are free to reproduce
this list
2018-05-05 23:17:26 UTC
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