2024-01-01 20:41:50 UTC
XanaNews Statistic for rec.pets.dogs.behavior. 1/1/2024 3:39:50 PM
From article 813698 (10/4/2021 11:37:09 PM) to article 813709
(12/26/2022 5:14:22 PM)
Number of threads ................... 6
Number of articles .................. 9
Average articles per thread ......... 1.50
Number of unanswered posts .......... 5
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 2
Top Threads
Ranking Articles Subject
------- -------- ----------------------------------
1 4 Why does this rescue dog do this?
Top Posters
Ranking Articles Name Most Used Newsreader
------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------
1 3 Opinicus ForteAgent
2 2 cshenk XanaNews
3 1 Carriage house G2
4 1 Owenssignature tracking G2
5 1 The Dog Care G2
6 1 Gina Crowe G2
Top Newsreaders
Ranking Articles Newsreader Users
------- -------- -------------------------------------------- -----
1 4 G2 4
2 3 ForteAgent 1
3 2 XanaNews 1
Note: Googlegroups goes awa in Feb24.
Xananews is free with no nagwear and eternal september is a free
newsgroup provider, if the information is desired.
From article 813698 (10/4/2021 11:37:09 PM) to article 813709
(12/26/2022 5:14:22 PM)
Number of threads ................... 6
Number of articles .................. 9
Average articles per thread ......... 1.50
Number of unanswered posts .......... 5
Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 2
Top Threads
Ranking Articles Subject
------- -------- ----------------------------------
1 4 Why does this rescue dog do this?
Top Posters
Ranking Articles Name Most Used Newsreader
------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------
1 3 Opinicus ForteAgent
2 2 cshenk XanaNews
3 1 Carriage house G2
4 1 Owenssignature tracking G2
5 1 The Dog Care G2
6 1 Gina Crowe G2
Top Newsreaders
Ranking Articles Newsreader Users
------- -------- -------------------------------------------- -----
1 4 G2 4
2 3 ForteAgent 1
3 2 XanaNews 1
Note: Googlegroups goes awa in Feb24.
Xananews is free with no nagwear and eternal september is a free
newsgroup provider, if the information is desired.