2020-01-26 04:17:01 UTC
I have an 18 month old female pitbull terrier that exhibits a strange
behavior. This dog is smart and is a fast learner. While my wife and I
were playing with our dog, we noticed she bites the air making her teeth
make a snapping sound. We initiated the same teeth snapping behavior at
another time to see what she would do. Our dog responded (no barking
sounds) with the same teeth snapping behavior. The dog also "grooms" us for
fleas whenever she wants us to play with her. My question is this: In the
world-o-the canine, What does the snapping of teeth mean???
my dog does this , she snaps and i snap back at her and she nuzzles her face into my chest . i believe it's an attention thing ,but i could be wrong .behavior. This dog is smart and is a fast learner. While my wife and I
were playing with our dog, we noticed she bites the air making her teeth
make a snapping sound. We initiated the same teeth snapping behavior at
another time to see what she would do. Our dog responded (no barking
sounds) with the same teeth snapping behavior. The dog also "grooms" us for
fleas whenever she wants us to play with her. My question is this: In the
world-o-the canine, What does the snapping of teeth mean???